
Tydal - Selbu - Trondheim
150 KM 7 days
Romboleden is Norway's oldest pilgrim path, and an important connection between two great Nordic saints - St. Olav and the Swedish St. Birgitta. Suited for experienced hikers.

An old road from Sweden to Norway

Follow the historical footsteps in northwest direction from Sweden towards Trondheim. This pilgrimage route runs from Köping in Sweden to Trondheim, and the Norwegian part of the path starts at the national border in Skarddøra in Tydal. Here two old pilgrim routes meet: Romboleden from Köping to Trondheim and Jämt-Norge-leden.

The Norwegian part of Romboleden takes you via Stugudalen down through Tydalen and Neadalen towards Selbu. It passes through beautiful areas with views of mountain massifs such as Sylan, Skardsfjella, Skarvan, Fongen, Bringen and Rensfjellet. The trail then takes you along Selbusjøen and through Malvik's forests to Trondheim.

Romboleden is certainly an old road for pilgrims, traders and officials who, over the centuries, have engaged in the exchange of goods and culture.

When and where should I start?

The main season for pilgrimage in Norway is from 1st June to 1st September. Sometimes the snow can last for longer than 1st June in the mountains. You should not cross if there is still snow, as the trail markings may be hidden, and you could encounter problems due to snow and meltwater.

The Norwegian part of the trail starts at Skarddøra (døra means door), which is the name of the natural gate between the peaks in Skardsfjella mountains. In these areas there can still be snow on the ground in June. It is not recommended to cross the mountain areas on foot when there is still snow, in which case you should rather start the trip a little further ahead, for example at Væktarstua Hotel in Stugedal.

A wonderful nature experience

Towards Selbu you will experience everything from open mountains and lush forest landscape to fertile agricultural landscape. You will pass Selbu church, which probably has had a central impact on the medieval pilgrims.

The road ahead goes through the forests of Malvik municipality to Saksvikkorsen hill, where you can see Trondheim in the distance. The last few kilometers follow the coastline into the city before you reach the pilgrim destination, Nidaros Cathedral.

How to do a pilgrimage on the Romboleden?

Romboleden is characterized by its varied landscape, from scanty mountains and ridges at 1000 meters above sea level, to lush coastal climate at the Trondheim fjord. Most of the pilgrim path goes across mountains and forests. Through the unspoilt mountain areas on the Swedish side, tents are the only accommodation option. Other parts of the trail offer hostels, campsites and hotels.

You can see accommodation and plan your trip in our digital map.

Romboleden is not very well marked, so this pilgrim path is best suited for pilgrims who are skilled in the use of map and compass.

Frequently asked questions

Where do I buy the pilgrim pass?

You can buy the pilgrim passport online at Northern Pilgrim Shop.

Where to stay at Romboleden?

In large parts of the Romboleden, only tent and sleeping bag apply. Otherwise, it varies between hostels, campsites and hotels. We recommend that you book a couple of days before you arrive at the accommodation.

Are there open churches along Romboleden?

Along Romboleden there are several beautiful churches, but unfortunately not all churches are open. If you meet a closed door, check if there is information available near the church that says something about pilgrimage deals. Many congregations offer to open the churches for pilgrims outside opening hours.

How is the terrain on Romboleden?

Romboleden passes through mountain areas, forests and agricultural landscape. Be prepared for a varied hike. Read more about how to prepare and choose the right equipment for the pilgrimage.

What shoes should I wear?

We recommend pilgrims to wear hiking boots with good cushioning and durability. Some pilgrims choose mountain boots, others prefer Gore-Tex, some choose technical running shoes and some bring sandals in addition to shoes. The choice is individual and depends on which part of Romboleden you plan to walk.

Is Romboleden well marked?

Romboleden is not well marked. We recommend that you use a map and compass.

Is there any danger of snow in the mountain?

Large parts of Romboleden go through mountain terrain at a height of 1000 meters above sea level. There might be snow in the mountains, even in June. Do not cross the mountains by foot if there is still snow on the ground. In that case you should not start the pilgrimage in Skardsfjella, but further in on the Norwegian side of the border, in Stugedal. It's important to check the weather conditions before embarking on a pilgrimage in these mountain terrains. Weather forecast can be found at

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