Stiklestad – Trondheim (the outer trail)

82 KM
5 days
St. Olavsleden's outer trail runs through towns and villages by the Trondheimsfjord. Here, the historical places are many. The path winds along the fjord - in forest, cultural landscape and on the beach, before it reaches the jetty out to beautiful Tautra, where the pilgrim boat kan take you from Frosta to Trondheim.
Medium route

Gradering på turforslag

Alle turforslagene på er gradert etter en nasjonal standard for merking av vanskelighetsgrad, slik at du enklere kan finne en tur som passer for deg.

Grønn = Enkel

Dette er stort sett korte og enkle turer som passer for alle, uten krav til spesielle ferdigheter eller utstyr. I de tilfeller hvor det er tilrettelagt for rullestolbrukere eller barnevogn, merkes dette spesielt.

Blå = Middels

Dette er turer som passer for deg som har grunnleggende turferdigheter og er i normal fysisk form.

Rød = Krevende

Turer merket med rødt passer for erfarne turgåere, med god utholdenhet. Turene krever ofte gode tursko og annet turutstyr, samt kunnskap om kart og kompass.

Svart = Ekstra krevende

Dette er turer passer for erfarne fjellfolk, med god fysikk, styrke og utholdenhet. Godt turutstyr og gode kunnskaper om kart og kompass er nødvendig på slike turer.

Hvor krevende en tur er bestemmes blant annet av antall høydemeter (stigning) og lengde på turen. Selv om turen går i flatt terreng, kan den merkes med rødt dersom den er veldig lang. Og motsatt, selv om turen er kort, kan den merkes med svart dersom den går i bratt og krevende terreng.

Situated along St. Olavsleden

Foto: Øystein Moe/Helmet

Day 1: 21 km, Stiklestad – Munkeby hostel

  • Take the train to Verdal station and then walk the path ( i.e. the cycle path) in the opposite direction for 4 km along Fylkesvei 757 (Stiklestad alle) to Stiklestad cultural center (Leksdalsvegen 1).
  • Also possible to start from Verdal station where the trail passes close by.
  • Provisions: There are grocery stores and pharmacies in the center of Verdal, but you will be able to shop again in Levanger town and in Joker in Ekne.

The walk starts by going west along Stiklestad avenue for a short distance before the trail turns south in Bjartnesveien down to Verdalselva and follows it to the bridge over the river in the center of Verdal. A few kilometers are on asphalt, the rest of the day's stage follows dirt roads and forest paths. Halfway on today's stage is Halle churchyard with a fantastic view over Verdalen and the Trondheimsfjord. There was a church here until 1815. After walking through forest and fertile farmland as well as a beautiful stretch along the Levangerelva with architectural wooden bridges and nice bathing pools, beautiful monastery ruins emerge surrounded by forest. The monastery ruins are from the 12th century, have an exciting history and are located 600 meters from Munkeby Herberge. Munkeby Herberge offers accommodation and local, short-distance food and Munkeby beer on the farm with houses from the 17th century. Here you can also taste the cheese that the monks at the new Maria monastery make, and you can visit them (10 min walk), while participation in tide prayer must be arranged via Munkeby Herberge.

Foto: Øystein Moe/Helmet

Day 2: 22 km, Munkeby Herberge to Laberget Leirsted

The hiking trail starts peacefully past the Kloster Ruinen and along the Levanger River. The walk continues on its way through the cultural landscape and through the wooden town of Levanger, where the entire center is protected by the National Heritage List because of the unique wooden buildings from the beginning of the 20th century. Feel free to visit Levanger church in the center of town and enjoy the walk along the canal and over the bridge. The walk continues through the beautiful and blooming arboretum in Staupslia with rest areas and through a new cultural landscape to the beautiful pilgrimage church Alstadhaug from 1180. Towards the end of the day, the walking path goes along the Trondheimsfjorden to Laberget Leirsted, and it is possible to have a bath on this stretch.

Day 3: 22 km, Laberget Leirsted to Hellberg Herberge

The hiking trail first continues along the Trondheimsfjord and then (after the Joker Ekne store) inland towards the Falstad centre. The place was a prison camp during the Second World War, but is today a center for human rights with outdoor and indoor exhibitions and an open cafe. The hike continues along an asphalt road and through deep forests. In the middle of the day, the walk has reached Sottjønna, where there are rest benches and the possibility of a bath. Later, the walk goes towards Frosta and after a beautiful walk along the Trondheimsfjord we reach Hellberg Herberge for the night. Hellberg Herberge has camping cabins and sells local food such as juice, juice and jam.

Foto: Øystein Moe/Helmet

Day 4: 23 km, Hellberg Herberge to Tautra

The hiking trail continues along the road by the Trondheimsfjord until Fånesbukta , where it continues along the beautiful Frostastien, which winds along the fjord through the forest, the cultural landscape and the beach. On the stretch there are several beautiful places for a break, and both Oldervik Herberge (should be arranged in advance) and Småland harbor are worth a visit. Before the walk reaches the breakwater that goes out to Tautra, a small visit can be made to the cultural monuments Tinghaugen and Logtun church, located 1.5 km from Frostastien, where there is also an open village garden with benches and information material. Tautra has a unique bird life with a bird tower. Accommodation is easiest at the idyllic Klostergården near a beautiful monastery ruin (quite similar to Munkeby). Klostergården has local food, home-brewed beer and a rich shop with local food and gifts. Tautra has a Marian monastery with award-winning architecture. The convent church and the nuns' shop are open to the public and it is possible to participate in the time of prayer

Foto: Øystein Moe/Helmet

Day 5: Hike or transport by car 6,5 km + Boat trip + 4 km, Tautra to Trondheim

The pilgrim boat starts from Tautra in the morning, Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 a.m, and provides an experience-rich boat trip across the Trondheimsfjord to the port in Trondheim. (See information "Pilegrimboat to Trondheim from Tautra" which shows the departure times and prices.) The walk then goes along the quays and the seafront to the center of Trondheim and ends along the Nidelva and the oldest part of Trondheim. Here was the medieval town and here there are cultural relics from narrow streets and Olav the Saint's last journey with information in Klemenskirken. Finally, the walk goes to the Nidaros Cathedral and the "Null stone", which shows and documents that the goal of the pilgrimage has been reached. Then it's time for a visit to the Nidaros Pilgrim's Farm for registration, to receive a diploma and a delicious pilgrim's meal to celebrate a completed pilgrimage.

Accommodation options in Trondheim:


  • Flight: Trondheim Airport Værnes
  • Train: From Trondheim/Værnes to Verdal station
  • Taxi: From Verdal station (check departures flexible transport for bus fares at
  • Stay: Reserve accommodation in good time at either Stiklestad hotel (pilgrim discount ), Gjesteloftet at the Viking house " Stiklestadir ", Stiklestad Prestegård with simple pilgrim reception (order via email ), Stiklestad Camping or Soria Moria Camping

Foto: Øystein Moe/Helmet

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