Svorkmo - Trondheim

Length 62 KM
Duration 3 days
A perfect long weekend on the Gudbrandsdalsleden. Get to know the history, nature and cultural landscape of the region of Trøndelag by walking along the historic roads from Svorkmo to Trondheim.
Medium route

Gradering på turforslag

Alle turforslagene på er gradert etter en nasjonal standard for merking av vanskelighetsgrad, slik at du enklere kan finne en tur som passer for deg.

Grønn = Enkel

Dette er stort sett korte og enkle turer som passer for alle, uten krav til spesielle ferdigheter eller utstyr. I de tilfeller hvor det er tilrettelagt for rullestolbrukere eller barnevogn, merkes dette spesielt.

Blå = Middels

Dette er turer som passer for deg som har grunnleggende turferdigheter og er i normal fysisk form.

Rød = Krevende

Turer merket med rødt passer for erfarne turgåere, med god utholdenhet. Turene krever ofte gode tursko og annet turutstyr, samt kunnskap om kart og kompass.

Svart = Ekstra krevende

Dette er turer passer for erfarne fjellfolk, med god fysikk, styrke og utholdenhet. Godt turutstyr og gode kunnskaper om kart og kompass er nødvendig på slike turer.

Hvor krevende en tur er bestemmes blant annet av antall høydemeter (stigning) og lengde på turen. Selv om turen går i flatt terreng, kan den merkes med rødt dersom den er veldig lang. Og motsatt, selv om turen er kort, kan den merkes med svart dersom den går i bratt og krevende terreng.

Situated along Gudbrandsdalsleden
Foto: Hans-Jacob Dahl

Day 1: (24 km) Svorkmo - Skaun

The journey begins in Svorkmo in Orkanger. It is recommended to travel by bus to the starting point. To find the trail from the bus stop, you have to follow the road: Orkdalsveien and cross the river Orkla. After crossing the bridge, turn left and follow the paved road for 700m until you reach Svorkmo Smeltehytte (smelting hut) and the milestone nearby. The Gudbrandsdalsleden passes here, and you can follow the marked St. Olavs Way from here to Trondheim (see map).

Arrival Svorkmo: Bus

Bus stop: Svorkmo Klinglivegen

From Svorkmo Smeltehytte, the trail follows a gravel road through cultural landscape to Solås. After passing Svorkmo Skytterhus, the trail turns into a slightly hilly hiking trail before continuing on a gravel road to Snøton. Here the landscape opens up. At Snøtonsætra, there is a great gapahuk (shelter) set up. Pilgrims and other guests are welcome to rest here before the trail moves into the forest.

The way further follows paths through the forest, over marshes and along old carriage roads towards Skaun. On the way, there are several rest areas and cultural monuments that should be visited. Today's goal is close when the landscape opens up, and the spire of the medieval church Skaun Kirke appears on the horizon.

Accommodation in Skaun

Day 2: (17 km) Skaun - Øysand

From Skaun church the path goes up to Husaby - home of the legendary politician and viking Einar Tambarskjelve. Husaby is also known as the home of Erlend in Sigrid Undset's book series about Kristin Lavransdatter, and it was from here that the protagonist Kristin began her first pilgrimage towards Nidaros Cathedral.

Further on, the way passes Skaun village museum and enter the old historical roads towards Trondheim. The path is hilly through the forest and passes several old sæterstøler (shielings) before the landscape opens up, and you can catch a glimpse of the fjord. This is the first time pilgrims have seen the sea since they started in Oslo approx. 30 days earlier. The trail then descends to Buvika and the fjord. After passing Brekka you come to Øysand and Gaulosen, where it is possible to find accommodation. Here it is also possible to use the sundbåten (ferry) to cross the river Gaula.

Accommodation on Øysand:

Day 3: (24 km / 21 km) Øysand - Trondheim

If you spend the night on Øysand, the last stage will be somewhat longer. Then you have to walk across Øysand to cross the Udduvoll bridge. If you stayed the night at Sundet gård and used the ferry, you'll get a shorter stage. Nevertheless, you have to climb the hill Skjefstadbakken, the last major effort of the journey. At the top of Skjefstadbakken, you are greeted with an impressive view of Gauldalen, before the st. Olav Way leads you further along the old road over Kastberga. After you have walked through the forest, you will come to Sverresborg Trøndelag Folkemuseum with a medieval castle and stave church.

Before starting the last leg of the Gudbrandsdalsleden, you can take a short detour to "Utsikten". Here you get a good overview of Trondheim city, and the pilgrimage destination Nidaros Cathedral becomes visible for the first time on the journey. During the Middle Ages, Utsikten was called Feginsbrekka or "the hill of joy", because the sight of Nidaros Cathedral made the pilgrims certain that they had arrived unscathed.

Remember to visit the pilgrim reception at Nidaros Pilgrimsgård when you arrive at the pilgrimage destination.

Accommodation in Trondheim:

Recommended footwear

Most people choose to walk with waterproof hiking shoes from Oslo to Trondheim. When the pilgrims begin to approach Trondheim, the climate changes, and it becomes wetter. It is therefore recommended for this "reconmended walk" that you use taller hiking shoes that are more suitable for walking in marshes. Note that mountain shoes tend to have stiff soles, which can be demanding on the feet when walking along roads. High hiking shoes with flexible soles are therefore the optimal choice for this trip. BUT! always choose well-worn shoes over new "optimal" shoes. Read more about preparations here.

Recommended Period:

May to Oktober

On "Skaunakjølen", the snow can remain long into May. Keep an eye on the weather forecast if you plan to hike in the spring. This hike can be walked long into the autumn, but most accommodations closes for the winter in October.

Arrival Svorkmo: Bus

Bus stop: Svorkmo Klinglivegen

Departure Trondheim: Train / Bus / Plane

Buss/train: Trondheim Sentrastasjon

Plane: Trondheim Lufthavn (Værnes)

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