Stiklestad – Trondheim (the inner trail)

131 KM
7 days
The long hike takes you through varied landscapes and nature, forests, hills and fertile farmland. You also pass architectural wooden bridges and lovely monastery ruins surrounded by forest. Enjoy the peace and quiet along the historic stretch between Stiklestad and Trondheim.
Hard route

Gradering på turforslag

Alle turforslagene på er gradert etter en nasjonal standard for merking av vanskelighetsgrad, slik at du enklere kan finne en tur som passer for deg.

Grønn = Enkel

Dette er stort sett korte og enkle turer som passer for alle, uten krav til spesielle ferdigheter eller utstyr. I de tilfeller hvor det er tilrettelagt for rullestolbrukere eller barnevogn, merkes dette spesielt.

Blå = Middels

Dette er turer som passer for deg som har grunnleggende turferdigheter og er i normal fysisk form.

Rød = Krevende

Turer merket med rødt passer for erfarne turgåere, med god utholdenhet. Turene krever ofte gode tursko og annet turutstyr, samt kunnskap om kart og kompass.

Svart = Ekstra krevende

Dette er turer passer for erfarne fjellfolk, med god fysikk, styrke og utholdenhet. Godt turutstyr og gode kunnskaper om kart og kompass er nødvendig på slike turer.

Hvor krevende en tur er bestemmes blant annet av antall høydemeter (stigning) og lengde på turen. Selv om turen går i flatt terreng, kan den merkes med rødt dersom den er veldig lang. Og motsatt, selv om turen er kort, kan den merkes med svart dersom den går i bratt og krevende terreng.

Situated along St. Olavsleden

Foto: Øystein Moe/Helmet

Walk from Stiklestad, where Olav Haraldsson died in 1030, to Trondheim, where he was canonized in 1031. St.Olavsleden goes through fertile Trønder villages and deep quiet forests. On the walk you will come to monasteries, medieval churches and homesteads. Accommodation can be found both in storehouses, church halls and on traditional family farms. For the 2024 season there is not easy to find accomodation along the led in Malvik: Folden Farm in Hommelvik is open from 15. July to 24. August and Vestre Bjørnstad Farm in Vikhammer is closed the whole season. For moe information about alternative paths and ways to hike or travel se descriptions in dag/stage 5, 6 and 7. For further information and assistance to transport etc contact Pilgrim Center Stiklestad (+47 957 10 130) or Ersgard (+47 901 87 220).

Day 1: 21 km, Stiklestad – Munkeby hostel

  • Take the train to Verdal station and then walk the path ( i.e. the cycle path) in an easterly direction for 4 km along Fylkesvei 757 (Stiklestad alle) to Stiklestad cultural center (Leksdalsvegen 1).
  • Also possible to start from Verdal station where the trail passes close by.
  • Provisions: There are grocery stores and pharmacies in the center of Verdal. Remember to shop for what you need for the next 3 days, if you need more than the food you buy when staying overnight in Munkeby, Markabygda and Borås.

The walk starts by walking west along Stiklestad allé for a short distance before that path turns south into Bjartnesveien down to Verdalselva, and follows it to the bridge over the river in the center of Verdal. A few kilometers are on asphalt, the rest of the day's stage follows dirt roads and forest paths. Halfway on today's stage is Halle churchyard with a fantastic view over Verdalen and the Trondheimsfjord. There was a church here until 1815. After walking through forest and fertile farmland as well as a beautiful stretch along the Levangerelva with architectural wooden bridges and nice bathing pools, beautiful monastery ruins emerge surrounded by forest. The monastery ruins are from the 12th century, have an exciting history and are located 600 meters from Munkeby Herberge. Munkeby Herberge offers accommodation and local, short-distance food and Munkeby beer on the farm with houses from the 17th century. Here you can also taste the cheese that the monks at the new Maria monastery make, and you can visit them (10 min walk), while participation in tide prayer must be arranged via Munkeby Herberge.

Foto: Øystein Moe/Helmet

Day 2: 19 km, Munkeby Herberge – Markabygda

The hike continues through a beautiful cultural landscape and adventurous forest. A considerable climb leads up to Tomtvatnet with a cozy rest area on the way. The trail continues upwards to the resorts Reistadbustaden , Tomtvasslia and Hegglivollen with a great view of the Frolfjelle mountains. At Reistadbustaden there are open seats during the school holidays. The path then enters the forest and at Vinkjerran the view opens up towards beautiful Markabygda where you will find Troset Gård and Markabygda church hall, which are self-catering accommodation options. Visits to Markabygda church can be arranged with the host in Markabygda Kirkestue. Completion of a chapel at Troset Gård is planned for the summer of 2023.

Day 3: 23 km, Markabygda – Borås

The walk goes along the road through the cultural landscape in Markabygda. The trail then follows the dirt road through forest terrain. The road runs along the beautiful Bulandsvatnet, where there is a nice rest area and a water source for filling travel bottles. The large Ausetvatnet which comes just after also has a nice rest area and here it is possible to buy a fishing license. Borås Gård has spacious accommodation in Stabburet and offers self-catering and catering.

Day 4: 13 km, Borås – Værnes/Stjørdal

The walk begins through the villages in Skjelstadmarka. The walk goes via Okkelberg chapel, several rest areas and a very nice gap hut by Monaplassen, which also has a toilet. The road then goes through forest terrain by Koksåsen. Towards the end of the day's stage, the trail reaches Værnes church from 1100. This is Norway's oldest preserved stone building. It is possible to borrow a key to the medieval church in the vicarage cafe near the church.

The day's stage ends at Ersgard , - a family farm with buildings from the 18th century, where they offer a farm hotel with rooms and apartments as well as houses for self-catering, and simple pilgrim accommodation in the forge. They rent out salmon fishing and can offer information about it and the farm's long and unique history, including that one of the emissaries from this farm participated in the constitutional work at Eidsvoll in 1814.

Accommodation at Stjørdal / Værnes:

Day 5: 21 km, Værnes (Stjørdal) - Nyhus/Folden

For the 2024-season Folden Farm is open for accommodation 15. July - 24. August. See orginal hiking-description under. One kilometer past Folden Farm, by the brigde naimed "Follabrua ", there are benches with a roof, fireplace outside and close to the river. It is possible to stay overnight in a sleeping bag with brought along food. Remember to buy food in COOP PRIX at Hell/Stjørdal in advance.

When Folden Gard is closed it is recommended to hike from Ersgard i direction Folden Farm but stop at "Benk i Høibydalen" where a alternative path (5 km, red,- and marked "2" in the simple map) is marked to Hommelvik Station. There it is possible to hike 2 km for accommodation at Grønberg Gård (+47 977 78 278/ + 47 926 29 016/ + 47 934 18 008, or hike 7 km along Malvikveien (950) to Storsand Camping ( +47 73 97 63 60 for using tent/cabin, or go by bus from Hommelvik Station (AtB nr 70 direction Trondheim, bus-stop "Storsand 1"). See the simple map and day/stage 6.

The walk continues along the Stjørdal river through the village of Lånke and past the beautiful Lånke church. Then you climb up towards Gjevingåsen and enter the forest and enjoy the view from the picnic area at Furan Gård. Almost two km after this can, the potholes in Gammelåsdalen come . Also use the bench in Høybydalen , which offers a good place to rest before starting the climb up Slåttmyrdalen , and also use the butcher's shed in Slåttmyrdalen , which offers shelter from the weather and a welcome rest area at the top of a very long and steep hill. Along the trail, you pass the Nygårdsvollen memorial and the Homla nature reserve with the mighty Storfossen in the river Homla . Today's stage takes you through forest and marsh to Nyhus/Folden. Here the St.Olavsleden runs together with the Romboleden , which comes from the east; Selbu, Tydal, Sweden.

Day 6:16 km, Nyhus/Folden – Vikhammer

Se stage/day 5. Because Vestre Bjørnstad in Vikhammer is closed the whole season-2024, and its hard to find accommodation along the Path in Vikhammer, we recommand to hike back from the path back Folden in direction Ersgard, and stop at Nygårdsvollen and hike a marked alternative path (7 km, blu and marked "1" at the simple map) to Hommelvik Station for hiking/travelling further to Trondheim. Se day/stage 7.

If you not hike all the path to Folden Farm outside the period when the accommodation is open (15 . July - 24. August), but hike some of the alternative paths to Hommelvik Station, there is an accommodation at Grønberg Gard 2 km from the Station. (+ 47 977 78 278/ +47 926 29 016 / +47 934 18 008, or you may hike 7 km to Storsand Camping (+47 73 97 63 60 and you may also travel by bus from Hommelvik Station (AtB nr 70 direction Trondheim, bus-stop "Storsand 1") for using a tent or a cabin. Se day/stage 7.

The walk starts through the cultural landscape at Nyhus and then goes into the forest along Fisktjønna . The walk then follows on a path past Kvilstein on Skaråskjølen , Gapahuken on Erikbu and a rest area by Nyvatnet . The walk then passes Fjølstadtrøa, an old homestead that is now a museum. The walk continues to a viewpoint on the Saksvik Cross , which is the first place the pilgrims can see Trondheim. In the Middle Ages, a large cross stood here. Today, benches, a new cross and a bell tower have been set up, and the forest has been cleared so that one can once again enjoy the view of the city. The hike then descends towards Vikhammer past the Leistad crossing and to the last overnight stay on St. Olavsleden.

Accommodation options Vikhammer:

Coming: Gården Leistad Midtre

Day 7: 18 km, Vikhammer- Nidaros Cathedral

Se stage/day 6. For the 2024- season, if you travel by train to Vikhammer, you may hike the last 14 km to Nidaros, or you may travel by train to Rotvoll and hike the last 8 km to Nidaros. From Vikhammer you will reach the walkways passing Ranheim and follow the marked path as described in the (orginally) text under. From Rotvoll you will reach the walkways on Ladestien and follow the marked path as described in the (orginally) text under.

The hiking follows nice walkways past Ranheim church and a unique opportunity for a view of the fjord is to visit Flipper cafe in Grilstad . The walk then goes on the beautiful prepared hiking path (Ladestien) by the fjord until Lade, where the Ringve Museum and Botanical Garden should be visited. Here the walk then passes several churches such as Lade church (1190), Lademoen church (1905) and Bakke church (1715) at Kristiansten fortress (1684), before finally reaching Nidaros Cathedral and the zero stone which shows that the goal of the pilgrimage has been reached . Then it's time for a visit to Nidaros Pilgrimsgård for registration, to receive an Olav letter or diploma and a delicious pilgrim meal to celebrate a completed pilgrimage.

Accommodation options in Trondheim:


  • Flight: Trondheim Airport Værnes
  • Train: From Trondheim/Værnes to Verdal station
  • Taxi: From Verdal station (check departures flexible transport for bus fares at
  • Stay: Reserve accommodation well in advance at either the Stiklestad hotel (pilgrim discount), the Gjesteloftet at Vikinghuset " Stiklestadir ", Stiklestad Prestegård with a simple pilgrim reception (order via email ), Stiklestad Camping or Soria Moria Camping

Foto: Øystein Moe/Helmet

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