Rena - Tynset | Østerdalsleden stage 1A
Foto: Aslaug Haugen
The stage Rena to Tynset is a hike that marks the beginning of the western branch of the wilderness trail: Østerdalsleden. It links with the eastern branch of the Østerdalsleden from Trysil at Åkerstrømen, and continues north to Tynset. The hike goes through beautiful eastern Norwegian nature, in dense spruce forests, open pine forests with soft reindeer lichen and clusters of cranberry covering the forest floor. Over mountains and with several touches of idyllic cultural landscapes.
Day 1: (20km) Rena – Deset west
The trail from Rena starts at Nesvangen, in the meeting between the rivers Glomma and Rena-elva. From here, the trail runs along the west side of the Rena river, over Rødsmoen on the outer edge of Rena Millitary camp to Ljørkoia by Løpsjøen. A great opportunity for a break, and a simple overnight stay if needed. It is located on the riverbank 250 meters from the trail. Further along the idyllic river Rena-elva, you will find a rich bird life and several Stone Age cultural areas. The trail continues on the outer edge of Rena military area, in hilly terrain over one of the country's most beautiful pebble hills, until it passes Rød farm at Deset's west side.
Day 2: (10km) Deset west – Netlandet
This stage will lead you across flat pine forests. On the way you'll pass the Pilgrim's Mound. Later you will enter Deset's Quaternary Geological Nature Reserve. A place protected due to it's rare geologica phenomena. Further on, one will travel along a small gravel road up to Perskoia by Netlandet, which has a great location just up a few hundred meters from the road.

Day 3: (14km) Netlandet – Holmslia
From Perskoia, the trail follows the forest gravel road further north. At Søre Grønvoll, the trail passes the plot after a earlier prison camp for Russian prisoners of war during World War II. The Rena-elva is one of the country's best trout rivers, and is a popular spot for fly fishermen. From Dalby, the trail goes on a path in scenic surroundings by the riverfront up to Storsjøveien road, next the bridge crossing the river Rena-elva in the south end of Storsjøen. The trail follows Storsjøveien road further a few kilometers to Eriksbekken. Where it takes off on a path to the west up a steep hill approx. 700 meters to Trollhytta.
Day 4: (9km) Holmlia – Netsjøen
Today's stage goes through marked forest terrain, both on and off trail. Along the way, you will pass the scenic Trolltjønna (small lake). Perfect for a good break before arriving at the Netsjøen a few kilometers later.
Day 5: (24km) Netsjøen – Lia
The longest stage of the journey will guide you through beautifully marked forest terrain, both on and off trail. As well on small distanses along roads. After 18km you will reach Skårnsjøen and idyllic Lialy gapahuk (shelter). A great resting place for tired pilgrims. Then the trail draws to Lia Gård and their great pilgrim house, opened in 2023. In the high season you will be greated by vonluteer pilgrim hosts here, and they offer both accomodation and meals. Right next to the house you also find the courtyard's own St. John's Church, which is always open. The actual Lia Gård retreat centre (just 500 meters away) also offer a variety of accomodation possibilities and meals.
Day 6: (17km) Lia – Fiskvik
Shortly after leaving Lia, the Østerdalsleden crosses a hill called Bønnåsen by the Greek Orthodox Fotini's chapel. Then the trail goes to the Moraveien: The old royal road where the Birkebeiner(s) fled from the Baglerne with little Prince Håkon.
Day 7: (14km) Fiskvik – Otnes
Today's stage follows gravel and paved road. Just before you reach Åkrestrømen, you will walk through a short forest path that enters into a cultural landscape by the riverbank. Here on the banks of the river, the western and eastern branches of the Østerdalsleden meets with each other. Here the St. Olavs Way continues north upstream. Eventually the trail goes by the pilgrim stone at Åkre. Further the trail goes to Otnes on the west side of the lake Lomnessjøen.
Day 8: (17km) Otnes – Bergset
The Østerdalsleden follows the road for a few kilometers before descending down to the river, where it follows gravel roads along the river bank. Here the trail bends with the meandering river all the way to Bergset in Øvre Rendal. Some fragments must be wandered along paved roads.
Day 9: (18km) Otnes – Skorsåa
The stage begins with a ascent to the pond Storbekktjønna on Fonnåsfjellet. From here the trail continues along the mountainside and down to Skorså.
Day 10: (12km) Skorsåa – Søndre Kvanntjønn
The stage will cross over a mountain terrain covered by soft reindeer lichen. After passing the highest point, the trail will descend to the natural resting place by Lake Skarsjøen. Before a last hill must be overcomed to reach the pond called Søndre Kvanntjønn.
Day 11: (12km) Søndre Kvanntjønn – Småvangan
From Søndre Kvanntjønna, Østerdalseden will go down to Tylldalen, where it goes through the Tylldalen village museum. Later, you will reach Småvangan on the trail out of Tylldalen.
Day 12: (18km) Småvangan – Tynset
The final stage of the journey extends through classic eastern Norwegian pine forest, as the journey began. Along dirt roads and trails between Tylldalen and Tynset. Tynset is a nice town with a variety of shops and several restaurants.
Recommended period
June, July, August, September
Nearest Airport: Oslo Lufthavn - Gardemoen
Train: Tynset Station
There is possible to by dry goods in the small cottages along the way. Pay by bank account number.
Grocery stores at:
- Rena
- (Lia Gård)
- Åkrestrømmen
- Otnes
- Bergset
- Tynset
Experiences along this route
Cultural Heritage
Østerdalsleden -
Åmot kirke
Østerdalsleden -
Cultural Heritage
The Pilgrim Stone at Åkre
Østerdalsleden -
Cultural Heritage
Østerdalsleden -
Cultural Heritage
Tylldalen Bygdetun and museum
Østerdalsleden -
Østerdalsleden -
Østerdalsleden -
Østerdalsleden -
Østerdalsleden -
Pilgrim Center
Lia gård, pilgrim center
Østerdalsleden -
Fiskvik Søndre - Jaktslottet
Østerdalsleden -
Pilgrimcabin in Otnes
Østerdalsleden -
Smedberget Pilegrimstun
Østerdalsleden -
Østerdalsleden -
Pilgrimlavvo at Kvanntjønna
Østerdalsleden -
Småvangan ski cabin
Østerdalsleden -
Tynset Church
Østerdalsleden -
Rena Station
Østerdalsleden -
Tynset station
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