Experiencies in Hamardomen
The medieval town of Hamarkaupangen was an important ecclesiastical center between Oslo and Nidaros. When the pilgrimages began, it was natural for saint-worshiped pilgrims to spend the night in St. Olav's monastery at Domkirkeodden.

At the edge of the Domkirkeodden headland Hamar´s old cathedral, the bishop's castle, the monks' herb garden, hospital and school, were situated. In the 16th century, the city was attacked, the church caught fire and left in ruins. Before the fire in 1567, the spiers of the church stretched 50 meters upwards. Imagine how the silhouette of the cathedral by Lake Mjøsa appeared as a landmark and pilgrimage destination, when pilgrims came from the ancient routes of the coastline of Stange Vestbygd or by sea.
Morning prayer
Now the morning sun shines through the glass structure, which covers the ruins of the cathedral, as the pilgrims gather for morning prayer. The offer is valid every day during the summer season, except Sundays and Tuesdays. It happens before the museum opens, so that the silence can help to substantiate the good experience, and give the pilgrims a good start to their day. The offer is a collaboration between Pilgrim Center Hamar, the priests in Hamar Domprosti and the pilgrim priest in the bishop's office. You can also, if you wish, be sent out as the pilgrims of the Middle Ages, with a pilgrimage blessing by the pilgrim priest Mini concert and guided tour The pilgrims who went to Mass in the cathedral in Hamarkaupangen in the Middle Ages were greeted by Gregorian chant. This is also possible to experience today, when Domkirkeodden's music-educated guides convey medieval stories. Hamardomen is known for its unique acoustics, which makes the experience even more unforgettable. This type of musical tour is a regular part of the program during Domkirkeodden's summer season, and it can also be booked at other times during and outside opening hours. For pilgrims who have an extra day of rest at the pilgrim center, we recommend this offer.
Mini concert and guided tour
The pilgrims who attended Mass in the cathedral in Hamarkaupangen in the Middle Ages, were greeted by Gregorian chant. Pilgrims can experience this sacred song today, when Domkirkeodden's music-educated guides convey medieval stories followed by Gregorian chant. Hamardomen is known for its unique acoustics, making the beautiful song even more unforgettable. This type of musical tour is a regular part of the program during Domkirkeodden's summer season, and it can also be booked at other times within or before opening hours. For pilgrims who have an extra day of rest at the Pilgrim Center, this experience is worth recommended.