Selje Pilgrim Center
Selje Regional Pilgrim Center is located in Selje in Stad municipality, with pilgrim reception and pilgrim accommodation in Selje vicarage. The Selje Pilgrim Center is responsible for the stretch between the Sognefjord and Stad, with the key places Gulatinget, Milestone sparken in Hyllestad, Svanøy farm and Selja monastery.

Foto: Helle Frogner
Contact information: | Daglig leder Tonje Ramse Trædal | | | ||
Phone: | +47 926 29 512 | |
Address: | Selje prestegard, Nabben 5, 6740 Selje | |
Website: | |

Key locations
Selje Regional Pilgrim Centre is one of four regional pilgrim centres along the Kystpilegrimsleia coastal trail. The centre assists with advice and guidance for pilgrims, businesses and stakeholders in these five key places:
• Gulatinget in Gulen municipality
• Millstone Park Open Air Museum in Hyllestad municipality
• Kinn Church in Kinn municipality
• Svanøy hovedgård in Kinn municipality
• Selja Monastery in Stad municipality

Key places and pilgrim center
The express boat between Bergen and Selje takes you to all five key places in our area. Between Kinn and Selja you can walk along Sunnivaleia .
Selja Monastery is located on the island of Selja outside the center of Selje, and was Norway's first pilgrimage destination after Olav Tryggvason found the remains of St. Sunniva and the Seljemennene in 996. You can walk along the thousand-year-old pilgrimage route across the island, and in the high season there are daily tours of the monastery ruins.
Kinn Church and Svanøy Manor are located on the islands of Kinn and Svanøy outside Florø. You can get here by local boat from Florø . There is no boat between Kinn and Svanøy, so you have to return to Florø. On Kinn you will find the beautiful stone church from the 12th century, where you will be welcomed by volunteer hosts all summer. Walking around the island past Kinnaklova is an experience. On lush Svanøy you will find a two-meter-high stone cross from the early 11th century with a runic inscription and the estate Svanøy Hovedgård, which was the seat of the Haugians in the 19th century. Here it is possible to book accommodation and food.
The Millstone Park in Hyllestad is an open-air museum under the Museums of Sogn og Fjordane. Large quantities of millstones have been produced and exported here since the 8th century. Many of the large stone crushers that were erected along the coast in the early Christian period in the 9th and 10th centuries were produced in Hyllestad.
Gulatinget is located just across the Sognefjord from Hyllestad, and is one of the oldest and largest regional parliaments in the Nordic countries from the Middle Ages. Here people gathered from all over Western Norway to discuss politics, make laws and judge cases. The Gulating Act is the oldest preserved collection of laws in the Nordic countries. At the key site Gulatinget you will also find an Olavskjelde and two large stone crosses from the 11th century. One stands on Krossteigen in Eivindvik, the other in front of the church. 4 km outside the city center you will also find the media arena and the millennium site with the monumental artwork "Tingveggen" by Bård Breivik.
In Selje vicary you will find the regional pilgrimage centre with a pilgrim reception, pilgrim accommodation and a cultural centre. Selje presbytery was established here at the end of the 16th century, and moved from the island of Selja. The buildings here date from the 16th-19th centuries, and the yard is protected. The pilgrim reception is open every day during the summer season between 15 July and 15 August, and it is otherwise open by appointment all year round. Here you will also find tourist information, a souvenir shop and exhibitions about Selje presbytery, Sta. Sunniva and Selja monastery. Electric bicycles can be rented, and if you want to borrow a kayak or other hiking equipment, this is available at BUA Selje next door. Selje church is open every day throughout the summer.
If you want to visit the monastery island of Selja, you can order tickets at https://www.fjordguidingselje during the summer season. There is also a local boat route to Bø, where you must book a place no later than the day before at: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
There are 12 beds in Selje vicary, you can book accommodation through Selje Regionale Pilegrimssenter. Read more here: