Dale-Gudbrand Pilgrim Center
Dale-Gudbrand Pilgrim Centre can be found in Gudbrandsdalen, located on the historic farm Dale-Gudbrands gard, in the middle between Oslo and Trondheim. Welcome to visit for a nice chat or for accommodation along gudbrandsdalsleden.
Dale-Gudbrand Pilgrim Centre is one of six regional pilgrim centres along the Gudbrandsdalsleden trail. The centre has good knowledge of the entire Gudbrandsdalsleden trail but especially the trail through Gudbrandsdalen from Lillehammer to Dovrefjell. The centre can provide updated information on the trail as well as information about overnight accommodation, alternative transport, cultural history etc. The centre provides information about overnight accommodation and has its own pilgrim chapel. Here you can get tips and advice that will hopefully make your pilgrim experience even better.
Cultural history of the area
The Dale-Gudbrand Pilgrim Centre is directly linked to St. Olav due to its location, and the area therefore has a strong place in Norwegian history. Hundorp and Dale-Gudbrand Farm has a history that goes back several thousand years. Around the farm are several large burial mounds from the Viking age and traces of a settlement from before Christ. During the Viking age, Hundorp and Dale-Gudbrand Farm was a centre of power and a chieftain seat. This meant that Olav Haraldsson (St. Olav), during his campaign of conversion in Norway, had to convince the resident chieftain. In 1021, Olav Haraldsson met the Viking chief Gudbrand of Dale and Olav converted the residents of the valley. The farm has also housed sheriffs for generations, as well as the magistrate's office, and from 1915 to 1987 there was a folk high school on the farm.
Pilgrim services all year round
Tasks and services
The aim of the Dale-Gudbrand Pilgrim Centre is to develop Gudbrandsdalsleden trail as an experience in the specific areas of ecology and nature, church and religious life, business and business development and culture and cultural heritage. This work is done in cooperation with the Church of Norway, municipalities, county councils and other public and private actors. The centre assists the county council, municipalities, parishes, volunteer organisations, overnight accommodation and other actors on matters related to the Gudbrandsdalsleden trail.

Tusenårsstien (Thousand Year Trail)
The Dale-Gudbrand Pilgrim Centre is associated with the Gudbrandsdal Museum and is in the same place as the museum on Dale-Gudbrand Farm, Hundorp in Sør-Fron municipality. The centre is responsible for the infrastructure and development of the Gudbrandsdalsleden trail and for the Dale-Gudbrand Farm, which is the “Thousand-year” site for Oppland county. The centre is responsible for the trail through Gudbrandsdalen and cooperates with the municipalities of Lillehammer, Øyer, Ringebu, Sør-Fron, Nord-Fron and Sel in addition to Oppland County Council. The planning work of the municipalities is of particular importance and, through its association with the museum, the centre also offers advice for building owners who want to open overnight accommodation for pilgrims.
The centre works closely with Visit Group companies and Innovation Norway on the development of Gudbrandsdalsleden trail as a travel product and it participates in conferences, fairs and press tours, regionally, nationally and internationally. The centre has sustainable development on its agenda.

E-Mail: | pilegrim@gudbrandsdalsmusea.no | |
Phone: | (+47) 456 04 608 | |
Addresse: | Hundorpgeilin 12, 2647 Sør-Fron | |
Opening hours: | 10 June - 1 September: Daily from 8 am - 6 pm 1 September - 9 June: Weekdays from 9 am - 4 pm Otherwise on call. | |
Note! | The Pilgrim Centre offers overnight accommodation. Shared showers and lavatories. Self-catering. Free Wi-Fi. Washing machine. The farm shop also sells pilgrim items and local foods and crafts. | |
Price of overnight stay: | NOK 350 per person |