
Here you can find general information about Pilegrimsleden, along with photos and articles published by the National Pilgrim Center in Norway.

For general press inquiries about Pilegrimsleden – St. Olav Ways to Trondheim, please contact the National Pilgrim Center.


Pilegrimsleden is the collective name of the pilgrim paths in Norway that lead to the burial place of St. Olav at Nidaros Cathedral. The paths go through beautiful landscapes, cultural heritage sites and historical areas. 

You can choose to walk along one of the eight land-based trails or travel by land and sea along the coastal route, Kystpilegrimsleia. It is also possible to cycle or ride horses along certain sections. 
The main season for pilgrimage in Norway is from 1st June to 1st September. Some of the routes are also accessible, with open accommodation, in spring and autumn.

Pilegrimsleden in Norway, also known as St. Olav ways to Trondheim, is part of a European network of trails rooted in the medieval pilgrimage tradition.

Learn more about the nine different pilgrim paths in Norway. 

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Pilgrims at Dovre mountain. Photo credit: David Tett/
Foto: David Tett
Pilgrims in the rain. Photo credit: David Tett/
Foto: David Tett