
Veldre church

Situated along Gudbrandsdalsleden
Veldre church



Church office in Brumunddal: +47 62 33 07 70.
Veldre Pilgrim society: + 47 477 19 32

The old Fylkisakers church was located here on this site (demolished in 1776) near Flisaker farm and south of Veldre church which burned down in 1996. The present day church was completed in year 2000.

Few areas in Norway have a consistency of burial monuments from the iron ages like this area; approximately 90 monuments. Kongshaugen in Flisaker is the largest. It has been a power center for centuries, at least until 1000 A.D. The rich calcareous soil and local climate lay the foundation for the prosperity back to the iron ages. If pilgrims crossed Brumunddal at Spikdalen is it likely they also were passing through here.