

Situated along Gudbrandsdalsleden
The town of Tretten is the administrative centre of Øyer Municipality

Tretten has approx. 900 inhabitants. In this small town, farming is a predominant factor. It includes cattle and pig farming, as well as cultivation of forests, grain and grass. Cheese making industry, stonecutting and tourism industries are also to be found here.

In the past the village centre was located farther up in the valley, around Prestegarden farm. A stone chuch was erected here in the late 1200s and the ruins of the church are today hidden under Kjørkehaugen. In the Middle Ages Tretten had its own parish, but after the Black Plague (1348/9-1350) the village could not hold its own priest, and Tretten became part of Øyer parish - which it has been ever since.

In 1894, the construction of Tretten railway station began. The station was the final stop of the Hamar-Sel line from 1894 to 1896. The railway station boosted the the growth of the town and brought about shops, a hotel, pubs and restaurants.

During Second World War, on the 23. April 1940 there were heavy fighting in Tretten when British forces tried to stop the Germans from moving further up Gudbrandsdalen.