Cultural Heritage

Sverresborg Museum

Situated along Gudbrandsdalsleden

Foto: Toralf Neraas

Sverresborg Trøndelag Folk Museum is one of the largest cultural history museums in Norway. It exhibits the building traditions in Trøndelag, from town and country, from mountain to coast and from Sami huts to city mansions.


Sverresborg allé 13, 7020 Trondheim

The museum has more than 60 vintage buildings which show the building traditions in Trøndelag, from town and country, from mountain to coast and from Sami huts to city mansions. The stave church from Haltdalen dates from 1170, but the majority of the houses are from the 18th and 19th centuries.

The museum dates back to 1909, when a group of Trondheim residents started to collect "characteristic examples of the way houses were built in earlier times". In 1914 the area surrounding the ruins of King Sverre's medieval castle was appropriated for the site of the new open-air museum. The area covers around 75 acres, but so far only half of this has been fenced in and used.

The exhibition: Oppdalstunet. Old farm buildings from Oppdal

Foto: Sverresborg Trøndelag Folkemuseum | MIST