Accommodation | Food store

Stalsbergsvea Hostel Tretten

Situated along Gudbrandsdalsleden
Stalsbergsvea - Accommodation with a stunning view


Sveavegen 72, 2635 Tretten


NOK 100 per person
Camping NOK 50


15.4 - 15.11


On the trail


Two cabins - 6 beds. Water boiler. Dried food for sale. Remember sleeping bag. Supermarket in Tretten, 4 km. Bring NOK in cash or pay via PayPal

After having walked along a dense forest trail, suddenly a magnificent view will appear. You'll get a panorama view of Gudbransdalen - with the moaning in Rondane in the distant horizon. After approx. 500 meters you arrive Stalbergsvea.

Stalsbergsvea has two cabins, one with two rooms and 4 beds, and one cabin with two beds. Water can be found in an outdoor tap outside the main house or at the waterpost 70 meters south of the cabin on the trail. 100 meters from Stalsbergsvea there is an outdoor toilet.

Payment in cash, vipps or via PayPal. If none of these options are possible, you can pay at the pilgrim centre at Dale-Gudbrand.

The cabin is unattended.