Restaurants or cafés

Søndre Elton Farm

Situated along Gudbrandsdalsleden

Bente Fekene

Søndre Elton Farm in Sange Vestbygd is famous for its 'strawberry kiosk'


Vestbygdveien 298, 2312 Ottestad

Opening hours

From around summer solstice until mid-August, depending on the strawberry season. Open daily from 10:00 - 18:00

A room at Søndre Elton farm has been made into a charming strawberry kiosk. Here you can buy freshly picked strawberries, cordial, fruit, vegetables and more.

In connection with the kiosk there is build a large outdoor lunch area with a stunning view over the lush cultural landscape and Mjøsa lake. Here you can enjoy simple meals, baked goods and their signature dish; freshly made waffle with strawberries and quark.