Museum | Natural Heritage

Rosvoll Vicarage

Situated along Kystpilegrimsleia
Leaflet Kartverket, Geovekst, Kommuner, Corine og OSM - Geodata AS

Rosvoll prestegård - foto: Silje Gulstad

The beautiful Rosvoll vicarage is located majestically at Smøla. The farm is a part of the Nordmøre Museums and serves also as a destination for pilgrims. Here, you can enjoy the view and and cultural landscape both in and outside the opening hours. From the farm yard there is a pilgrim path to Rosvollhaugen.


Rosvollveien 240, 6570 Smøla

Boat pier

There is a basic floating pier below the vicarage. It is not a guest harbor with access to electricity and water, but it is an option for mooring on day trips to Rosvoll.

There is a particular beauty to this farm. Before you come to the main building you will walk past a beautiful barn. There is also an old store house, and a small baking house with a stone oven that install in use.

The farm is part of the Nordmøre Museums and is open during summer and in connection with events throughout the year. It is also possible to arrange guided tours and the buildings can be rented out for meetings and other activities. To find out what's on look HERE

About Rosvoll Vicarage

Before Smøla became a "prestegjeld" (parish) in 1749, a chaplain lived at Vestmøla. He was a priest for Odden, Brattvær and Veiholmen, while Edøy parish was under the parish priest in Aure.

In 1879, the priest and teacher Ole Olsen Moe moved to Smøla. He initiated the building of a new vicarage. He also worked to improve the schooling at Smøla. In Ole Olsen Moe's time at Smøla, seven new schools, two churches and a vicarage was built. They are still intact and have not been altered in appearance.

Pilgrim walm to Rosvollhaugen

From the vicarage there is a marked trail up to Rosvollhaugen. It takes about 15 min to walk to the top. The terrain is somewhat rough so it's recommended to have good shoes. On dry summer days, trainers will do. At the top there is a nice outdoor shelter that provides protection from the wind from all directions. Here you can enjoy a fantastic view over the sea, islands, villages and mountains.


An outing to Rosvoll is perfect in combination with a stay at the pilgrim hostel Eco Camp Norway. More info about Ecocamp Norway here