Cultural Heritage

Ringnes farm - and St. Olav

Situated along Gudbrandsdalsleden
Ringnes farm - and St. Olav

The name comes from Ringnes Tallaringa - river names (Rygh). Archeology findings at Ringnes include items dating back to early Iron Age. Although this farm had very important historical significance the buildings were not maintained well over the centuries. By 1752 it was pretty much a ruin. The main building was constructed in the 1760s by the owner Major General Haxthausen. It was listed for conservation in 1923. The Ringnes farm is a particularly important Norwegian historical site. Ringnes has a special connection to St. Olaf (or rather Olav Haraldsson, the earthly king). Ringnes (Hringunes) in the Snorre Saga:

King Olav stayed at Hedemarken midwinter (year 1016). In spring, he got a great army and many farmers with large farms, including Ketil Kalv from Ringnes joined his forces, and left for the Oslo Fjord. Palm Sunday was the naval battle of Nesjar in Brunlanes, where Olav defeated Earl Svein, who ruled the country for Danish King Kunt the Great. In gratitude for the help received Ketil Calf 15 seater vessel, which he led through the Glomma river, and then back to Mjøsa.

The following year the five kings of the inner Østlandet met in Ringsaker. They planned to kill King Olaf when he arrived in Hedmark. Ketil Kalv heard this. He went to King Olaf, who was in Eidsvoll, and warned him. The following night Olav and his army attacked the kings of Ringsaker. Some of them were mutilated and other exiled. A few years later (1024) Ketil married at Ringnes with King Olav's half-sister, Gunhild, and the king was in the wedding feast.

Ketil and Grunnhilds son Guttorm was a good friend of Harald Hårdråde, Olaf's half-brother. He went often on raids in western countries and had winter seat in Dublin. Olsokkvelden in 1052 he won "by God and the holy King Olaf's help" with his five ships of the Royal Irish King Margad and his 16 ships. With a tenth of silver he took as war treasure was made a seven cubits high crucifix, which was donated to St Olav's Church in Nidaros, and was there until the reformation.

A treasure of gold and silver from Olav Haraldsson is found close to the houses at Ringnes. The artefacts originating from Western Europe and are probably stolen goods.