Restaurants or cafés
The restaurant carriage «Kari-Sofie»
Situated along Gudbrandsdalsleden
In the summer months, you can visit this historical and preserved carriage that has been made into a restaurant
Norsk Jernbanemuseum, Strandveien 161, 2316 Hamar
Opening hours
Open daily during the summer season from 11:00 -16:00 (also from 16:00 - 21:30 if the weather is good)
On the trail
The carriage is named after Kari-Sofie Jenssen, who in 1982 became Norway's first female railroad engineer. The restaurant carriage from the Bergen Line (1911) is open during summer season. Here you can enjoy simple meals such as pizza, sandwiches, waffels, cakes and ice cream.
Seating can be found both inside and outdoors.