Cultural Heritage


Situated along Gudbrandsdalsleden


Northern Europe's largest burial mound is majestically located next to the lake, Ljøgodttjernet


On the trail

Raknehaugen in Ullensaker is Northern Europe's largest burial mound. It's located only a short distance from Hovin church. The total diameter of the mound is approx. 77 meters. The height of the mound is 15 feet.

The mound is one of several large burial monuments from the Migration Period (approx. 400 - approx. 900). Besides being the largest single monument from prehistoric time, Raknehaugen has also played an important role in Norwegian archaeological history.

The monumental nature of the mound suggests that it was constructed partly to demonstrate power.

According to a local legend the mound is the burial place of a king called Rakne, where he was buried between two white horses.