
Pilgrim boat to Trondheim and Tautra 2025.

Situated along St. Olavsleden
Foto: Jan Kjørsvik
Take the pilgrim boat from Frosta to Trondheim or from Trondheim to Frosta. The boat-trip is not only a practical way of travelling at the start of the last leg in to Trondheim, it is also a very beautiful experience to sail the fjord and the coastline.


1 June to 31 August, 2025 (with the exception of 03-14 August when the boat driver / skipper is on holiday). (There is no departures at 4. August, 6. August, 8. August and 11. August)

Tautra -Trondheim

Mon, Wed, Fri at 10.00 NB ! Always contact Jan Kjørsvik


Mon, Wed, Fri at 11.00 NB! Always contact Jan Kjørsvik


NOK 400 per pilgrim and NOK 150 per bike on the regular departures

Contact person:

Jan Kjørsvik (see above for phone number and email)


Card or Vipps

Give your feet a break and experience the beautiful and lush coast of Trøndelag on the way to your Pilgrimage destination!

Skipper and guide Jan Kjørsvik has a lot of knowledge to share about the area.

St. Olavsleden is marked both ways between Stiklestad and Trondheim. Why not start your journey in Trondheim and walk or cycle the other way?

Regular departures throughout the summer from 1. June - 31 August, Monday, Wednesday and Friday (except for 5., 7., 9. and 12. August when the boat driver is on holiday)

*at 10.00 from Tautra to Trondheim and
*at 11.00 from Trondheim to Tautra (the depart time from Trondheim will depend slightly on the time used from Tautra to Trondheim)

The boat can transport up to 10 passengers and 4 bicycles. It is an advised to book in advance.

The pilgrim boat also offers tailored trips on request. This could for example be fishing or overnight trips. You can also take the boat to historic Steinvikholmen and walk the last miles towards Nidaros Cathedral from there. Contact boatdriver/skipper Jan Kjørsvik for offers.

The Pilgrim boat "Tautra"
Foto: Jan Kjørsvik

Prices 2025:

Regular departures:

Monday, Wednesday and Friday:

For the regular departures the ticket costs NOK 250. pr pilgrim and NOK 150 pr. bike.

For departures on request:

Tautra-Trondheim min. NOK 2,500.- pr. trip, over 5 people comes a supplement of NOK 500.- per person.

Mostad -Steinvikholmen min. NOK 2.000.- pr. trip, over 5 people comes a supplement of NOK 400.- per person.

The trips are booked with 2-3 days notice before the trip is completed.

Feel free to use the contact form when ordering: Contact form

In bad weather, the departure can be canceled.

There is room for 4 bikes onboard the boat
Foto: Jan Kjørsvik
Here you can find shelter from the weather
Foto: Jan Kjørsvik
Enjoy the view from deck
Foto: Jan Kjørsvik