
Øvre Skar unattended accommodation with a great view

Situated along Gudbrandsdalsleden
Øvre Skar is located on the trail between Hundorp and Vinstra, approx. 12 km from Pilegrim Center Dale-Gudbrand. This is an unattended accommodation of simple standard


+47 456 04 608


Øvre Skar


On the trail


From NOK 100


All year round


Visit the pilgrim center for info. Water must be boiled. Self service. Simple accommodation

Øvre Skar provides accommodation for pilegrims with a total of 6 beds in two cabins. Self service, water nearby in a creek. Outdoor toilet 50 m from the cabin.

Payment: It cost 100 NOK per person to sleep in the cabin. It is recommended that you visit the pilgrim center at Dale-Gudbrand to get instruction and payment. You can read about the center here Pilegrimssenter Dale-Gudbrand

If you pay in Norway it costs 100 NOK for staying overnight. If you pay from abroad the amount will be 165 NOK. (Because of bank fees.)

You also can pay with banktransfer Konto nr. 2085 25 02399 IBAN – NO 6420852502399. BIC SPTRNO22