
Oppdal Rafting

Situated along Gudbrandsdalsleden
Experience excitement and nature at the same time! This is fun and varied rafting.


O. Skasliens veg 10, 7340 Oppdal


Opening hours

20 June - 21. August. Trips start at 10am or 2pm,.


Sunday-Friday: NOK 750 per person. Saturday: NOK 900 per person

The distance reaches 14 km and include long and exciting rapids.

The river trail start out easy and calm before 11 rapids follow in a row. Highlights include the rapids Hakka, Ålmadroppet, Gammastryka, Bruhølen, Gydasteinen and Fliphølen. If you feel even more adventorous ask the guide to stop for a few cliff jumps.

Oppdal Rafting is open from 20 June to 21 August. Trips start at 10am or 2pm and has a duration of three hours.