Key Location | Cultural Heritage | Restaurants or cafés | Natural Heritage
Museet Kystens arv | Key Location
Situated along Kystpilegrimsleia
The Museum Kystens Arv (Coastal Heritage) preserves traditional boat building by allowing the knowledge to live in the craftsmen who work on site. Visit the boat builders in their workshops and learn more about the craft they do to preserve a important part of the Norwegian cultural heritage.
The Museum Kystens Arv
Museet Kystens Arv is one of the country's finest museums. It is beautifully located down by the sea in Stadsbygd. The museum holds one of the country's largest collections of clinker-built sailboats and has an active boat building workshop where you can come in and see the boat builders in action. We have several exhibitions where you can delve into central Norwegian coastal culture and clinker-built traditional boats. We take care of the most noble of the coastal people's traditions: the craft, the stories and the community. We are a living museum, and offer activities for the whole family. Cafe and museum shop have the same opening hours as the museum.