Moster Old Church and Moster Amfi
South in Vestland County there is a large group of isles called Bømlo. It consists of more than 900 islands. The close proximity to the sea and the sea traffic has marked Bømlo through history, and the water route between the mainland and the islands was the most important route.
Moster Harbor is a sheltered and nice harbor in this costal landscape. It is also one of the most important places in the history of the church in Norway. As mentioned, Mostertinget (The Moster Council), where Christianity was formerly adopted, took place here early in the 1020s. A small whitewashed church from the 12th century is still standing at Moster Harbor. All of the three kings who are associated with the christening of Norway, can be linked to the island.
It is thought that Olav Tryggvasson went ashore in Moster in 995 and established a church. He had English priests with him in his company. The stone church we can see today in Moster does not, however, date to St. Olavs time, and we do not know who built this church.
Håkon the Good's mother, Tora Mosterstong, was from Moster, and it is possible that also Håkon grew up on the island.
The third and last of the kings associated with the christening of Norway, Olav Haraldsson (St. Olav), is said to have held the council meeting at Moster in the 1020's where the foundation for kristenretten (the christian law) was established.
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Moster Old Church
The only remains of the medieval interior is a church bell from the first half of the 13th century, with a relief of St. Olav cast into its side. The rest of the interior dates to the 17th century and has a renaissance style. The impressive chalk paintings that covers large parts of the walls are also from the 17th century. In 1995, The Church of Norway celebrated its 1000 year anniversary at Moster. In connection with the anniversary, a house was built to house a historical exhibition; "From paganism to christianity". Here there is also an assembly room and a café.
Moster Amfi
Moster Amfi was opened as a theater and concert arena for the premier of The Mostra Play in 1984. Before the 1000 year anniversary in 1995, Bømlo Municipality decided that the amfi theatre was to be extended.
At the anniversary, Moster Amfi appeared as a well functioning cultural venue with a new entrance, a new ticket kiosk and cafeteria, and an outdoor arena with a total of 1200 seats.
The stage was also improved and a tunnel was made from the open air stage to the exhibition house, the amfi hall and to the café.
The facility is built into the mountain on the back of the outdoor amfi theatre. It is built in a way that works with the surroundings, and is architecturally interesting without being too much in comparison to the Old Church.