Cultural Heritage

Tingelstad Old Church (St. Petri)

Medieval stone church located on historic ground. When the new church was built in the 1860-ies to room a growing population, the old was conserved in its age-old style. Still a parish church, services are held several times each summer.


At the path


For a guided tour please contact Hadeland Folk Museum

The old church of Tingelstad, known as St.Petri, is a beautifull stone church from the 1200. The church lies on top of the Tingelstadhøgda in Oppland county and is a typical Romanesque village church. The church could have been a private church for the powerful farmers in the area.

The middle ages trusses have been preserved and of the interior there is only the stone alter and a crucifix which is left from the middle ages. St. Petris interioir today can be dated back to the 1500 and 1600. The pulpit from 1579 are suppsoedly the oldest preserved pulpit. The altarpiece was painted in 1699 while a unique Coat of arms with the Danish – Norwegian mark from 1559 is painted on the north wall in big format.

On the church spire is a copy of the Tilngelstad-flute from the 1100. The original I exhibited in the middleages hall at the Historical museum in Oslo, as one of the two preserved wind wings in Norway. The wind wings is broken plate with Romanesque foliage which originates from from a war ship and presumably a gift from Queen Margrethe (1352-1412). It is a gilded copper alloy which depicts David who frees the lamb from the lions mouth. On the top of the flute is a casted dragon.

St.Petri is just a short walk from Hadeland folk museum, where a copy of the three meter tall Dynnasteinen (The dynna stone) is standing. The stone is a runestone from the Dynna farm and is Norways earliest chirstian memorial as well as Norways first picture monument dated back to 1050. The motive tells the story of the three wise men, the Betlehem star, gift giving and the Jesus child in the stable


Foto: kirkesø