Cultural Heritage


Majersteinen is located on the ground to the Majer farm situated east of the Skjefstad farms after crossing Highway 73 in Eastern Toten.

There is a legend related to Majersteinen. A troll in Tjuvåskammen threw a stone in rage when he heard the church bells in the Hoff church, but the stone crashed to the ground before it reached. The church bells continued to ring, and the troll threw another stone that landed on the field in Nordlia at Steinslijordet. The legend can be transferred from the story of St. Olav's battle with the trolls. Majersteinen is limed each spring to prevent accidents with the livestock on the farm. This practice is a fertility culture from the pre-Christian times.

About the area: East of pilgrims way through Lena is Risdal located, a narrow and fertile oasis surrounded by fields, three different types of broadleaved forests, high diversity of species, a rich vegetation and a very large breeding population of birds.