Cultural Heritage
Situated along Borgleden
The stone circles at Lundeby have been known for a long time. Already in the 16th century, travelers have used the stone circles to orientate in the landscape. Perhaps also medieval pilgrims did this?
All year round
On the trail
If you are following the pilgrim trail through Råde in the direction of Trondheim, Lundeby is one of 6 burial ground along the way. Råde is a municipality that is rich in cultural heritage sites, and there are many that are not located in close proximity to the trail. Lundeby has some of the most obvious circles and the largest one consists of 13 erected stones. The graves were excavated in 1869. You can read about what was found on the information sing that has been put up at the site.
Foto: Østfold fylkeskommune/Ida Charlotte Wendel