Cultural Heritage


Situated along Gudbrandsdalsleden
Pilegrimssenter Hamar

“Ødegården at the crossroad”. In the old days, this was the point where the road split between the northern road to Gudbrandsdalen and Stange, and the northeastern road towards Løten and Østerdalen.

Findings from the Neolithic ages suggest that the area from here to Vik has been used for farming since agriculture first arrived in the areas around Mjøsa 2000 BC. These ancient farmers did not work on established farms like modern farmers do. They were working in larger areas that were mostly covered with softwood forest. The climate was considerably hotter than today, so the livestock would be left out all year round.

These pioneer famers scorched off a small forest area at the time, worked on the field with stone axes and simple ploughs. This early plough can be seen in Stanges coat of arms today. The famers would grom wheat and barley on the small patches of land until the nutritional value of the land was exhausted. Then they would move their simple houses to a new location and start over again. These pioneer farmers were also hunting and fishing, like their ancestors in the Mesolithic ages.