Cultural Heritage

Kakkelhaugen - Burial mounds

Archaeological memory. 7 burial mounds from the Iron Age. The burial mounds are called "Kakkelhaugene" where seven burial mounds from the Iron Age are located. Tingelstadhøgda has a very rich cultural history. In the area between Granavollen and the surrounding area there have been recorded around 50 graves from BC to the year 1000. Many of these are still intact.

6 round mounds and remains after a round mound. Some of the mounds have been plundered in the Middle Ages or later, while many are still intact. The most common form of burial in early period were urns. Remains from the funeral pyre were placed in urns made of clay or bronze, and placed in a burial mound or on the flat ground. The unburned tombs are often richly furnished in the form of grave goods such as weapons, jewelry and clothing as well as tubs for food and drink. Three mounds are probably from 5 to 8. century AD. A fourth contains a grave from the Roman period, ie before 400 AD. One of the mounds is one of the larger mounds known in Hadeland. Several of the mounds have been excavated, and a number of artifacts have been found, including a bronze buckle, knife, potsherds, flint arrows and the bones and teeth of animals.