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Hageseter Tourist Cabin

Situated along Gudbrandsdalsleden
Have a good rest in the fresh mountain air. Modern cabins with shower and toilets in the middle of beautiful Dovrefjell


Gautåsetervegen 84, 2660 Dombås


All year round - on request outside of season


From 450 NOK


Cabins, Self catering. The cafeteria serves dinner, breakfast and packed lunch for pilgrims


On the trail

Phone, alternative

+47 991 00 846


Laundry, dogs welcome (100 NOK/Day)

Hageseter Tourist Cabin offers accommodation in 12 modern cabins with living room, kitchen, shower/toalett and 1-3 bedrooms.

Some cabins includes stove, micro and dishwasher.

All cabins have cable TV.

6 rooms of simple standard with shared toilet and shower in basement.

Cafeteria closed from mid October to mid February.

Hageseter is located on the trail, 5 km south of Hjerkinn at an old pasture farm that is still in operation during summer. Here you can say hello to the animals and observe the cows being milked.

Hagesenter can pick up and transport guest for a fee.

Dogs are welcome and a washing machine is available.

seng/rom i kafebygningen

Foto: Halldis Prestegård