Cultural Heritage

St.Olav water source at Hadrian's Plass

Nasjonalt Pilegrimssenter, Andreas Winther

Before arriving to your destination of this long journey, a stop must be made at the park area “Marinen” where you’ll find St. Olavs Water Source, a source located at Hadrian's Plass, a short distance from Nidaros Cathedral.

Hadrian's Plass is named after Pope Hadrian IV - who is perhaps better known as Nicolaus Brekespeare. He established, as the Pope's representative, the archbishopric of Nidaros. A monument has been erected to his memory, and here Olavskilden lies hidden.

According to legend, the Viking king Olav Haraldsson fell in the battle of Stiklestad in 1030. The legend says that his body was transported to Nidaros and buried by the riverbank. The following year, his body was exhumed and he was declared a saint. A spring was said to have sprung up from the place where the coffin had been buried. The spring, that supposedly have healing powers, became a pilgrim destination of great importance in the centuries that followed.

pilgrims touching the water from the holy spring

Foto: Nasjonalt Pilegrimssenter, Andreas Winther