Cultural Heritage

The Filip-koia and the story about "Filip the forest Finn"

Situated along Gudbrandsdalsleden
The story about Filip forest fin

In the 17th century many Finnish people immigrated to the large forest areas close to the border of Sweden. Today "The Forest Finns" are one of our national minorities.

In the area north of Romsætra there are some remains of the history of these immigrants. In this area there are names like Filiphaug-koia (cabin), Filiphaugen (Filip Hill), Filipmyra (Filip bog), Filipbekken (Filip stream) and Badstuberget (Sauna hill). These are names that originates from Filip the forest Finn who lived at Prestvangen around year 1660.

The priest allowed Filip Anderson to settle here and run his traditional slash-and-burn farming business in the forests. When the king sold the land to a lumber dealer in Christiania (Oslo) in 1668, Filip was accused of illegal activities in the forest, and had to pay compensation for the damage he had inflicted on the forest. This gives and idea of the kind of conflict that could occur between the establishment and the immigrants at the time.