

Situated along Kystpilegrimsleia
Approved pilgrim accommodation
Egersund was in early Viking age a major habour. In the Middel Ages the first church was built and in 1798 Egersund got an official recognition as a township.

The name Egersund originating from the old Norse word "Eikundarsund" - a strait between the mailland and the island of Eigerøy.

Eikundarsund is mentioned in the saga of St. Olav where it is told that Olav often visited this area with fleet.

Guided walks are arranged on various cultural trails during the summer. We recommend attending.

Egersund is known for its colourful and well preserved wooden buildings. The inner town is cjaranterized by a multitude of architectural styles.

But raise you sights and open your senses. Take a deep breathe as you walk and fill your hart and mind with joy from the treasures in our nature.

All year you can follow a cultural trail with signs telling the story of Egersund. Welcome to an interesting Walk.

The tourist office has a stamp for your pilgrimage passport. For more information:

Download the Magma Geopark app and look for the treasure hunt "Geobike Egersund-Hellvik". You will fint the app at: https:∕∕

A short distance outside the town you can walk along the old and narrow-gauged railway track between Hellvik and Egersund. This hiking trail must be one of the most beautiful and extensive hiking trails we have in our area. The trail winds through hilly landscapes with countless viewpoints, detours and picnic area. You can travel by train, use a bicycle, walk or paddle along this 8 km long hiking trail.

Try out you luck with a fishing license and a fiching rod or experience great panorama views from the Launes mountain.

Egersund church

Egersund church is the oldest building in the town. It was orginally built as a longhouse with a low ceiling around the year of 1620.

An archaeological finding of a monomental tombstone made as a bauta with runes, suggests that there had been a church in Egersund as early as about year 1000. Written proof of the church´s factual existence is dated back to year 1292.

It is believed that the current church, which is located on what was formerly named "the Gentile islet", is a direct successor to this first church. After a renovation at the end of the 19th century, the church became the second largest i Rogaland with 1160 seats.

In addition to the church´s regular schedules, concerts and other events are held all year round. Information about opening hours and arrangements:

Maurholen railway station

This old style residential building can be rented for accommodation or arrangements. The garden shed is often used for social meetings and education events. In summer outdoor concerts are arranged.

The office of culture in Egersund may provide you with more information: Phone +47 514 68 229.