Museum | Cultural Heritage


Situated along Gudbrandsdalsleden
Fotoavd. Domkirkeodden
Domkirkeodden is an open-air medieval museum, and the annual Medieval festival is the biggest event of the year arranged by the museum


Strandvegen 100, 2315 Hamar


Opening hours

30. May – 18. June, 11:00–16:00
Every day, except Monday

19. June - 13. August, 10:00-17:00
Every day

14. - 27. August, 11:00-16:00
Every day, except Monday

2.-3. Sept. and 9.-10. Sept., 11:00-16:00
Saturday and Sunday


On the trail

Hamarkaupangen on Domkirkeodden was a medieval town and an important place for the church. It was the site of Hamar Cathedral, the Bishop's castle, Saint Olav's monastery, a herb garden, hospital and school. In the 16th century, the town was abandoned and large parts of the castle and the cathedral were destroyed. Domkirkeodden and the Bishop of Hamar were very powerful, forming a power alliance between Oslo and Nidaros. It was (and still is) an important place to visit for many people, both pilgrims and other travellers.

Today Domkirkeodden is one of the largest medieval museums in Norway, with the ruins of the cathedral as its main feature.

Pilgrims with a pilgrim passport get free entrance to Hamardomen. Entrance to other sections of the museum: NOK 70.

You can get a pass at the Pilgrim Center, the price is NOK 50.