
Båtutleie for å komme til Veøya

Situated along Kystpilegrimsleia
At Nesjestranda in Molde, you can hire a boat to get to Veøya outside of scheduled boat times.


Hamnevikbøen, 6456 Nesjestranda


Lei egen båt for å komme til Veøya


Ask boat rental


Travel with a rented boat is your responsibility. You must have experience driving a boat with a motor to be hired. It is important to check the weather and seek advice from the boat rental company. Safety is a top priority and you must ensure that everyone on board is wearing safe life jackets.

About the boat

The boat is 21 feet (6.4 meters) and certified for 6 adults. It has a 9.9 Hk outboard motor (Yamaha 2017 model) mounted in a separate compartment at the back. The engine has electric start. It goes at about 11 kilometers per hour at full speed. Normal cruising speed is between half and three-quarter throttle.

The rental price for 2025 is NOK 700 per day. It is equipped with life jackets. Petrol for two hours of engine use is included in the rental price. In addition to this, petrol costs are covered with NOK 45 per hour.