Accommodation | Pilgrim hostel

Artist studio at Lefstorvet

Situated along Gudbrandsdalsleden
Atelier Lefstorvet
Nice accommodation close to Furnes Church


Jessnesvegen 325, 2320 Furnes


NOK 450 bed linen included
Breakfast NOK 100
Packed lunch NOK 50


Near Furnes church.


From mid-May to mid-September


Dogs not allowed indoors.

Visual artist Inger Helene Høyen Hodøl offers accommodation for pilgrims in her studio. Atelier Lefstorvet offers two beds, a bathroom and a kitchenette. In addition to accommodation and the opportunity for breakfast and packed lunches, the guest will experience colorful art on the premises.

The place is located in open and bright surroundings overlooking Furnesfjorden. The greenhouse and kitchen garden gives a lush feel to the yard throughout the summer, with pleasant outdoor areas that can be enjoyed by guests.


Nearest Pilgrim center; Regionalt Pilegrimssenter Hamar. Phone: +47 474 78 266. Email: