Record Number of Pilgrims in 2024
A Digital Break
Walk as a Pilgrim in Solidarity for Ukraine
St. Olav Ways - The Pilgrim Paths to Trondheim
Experience the Pilgrim Paths in Norway Together
The Pilgrim Associations in Norway
Children's pilgrim passport and mystery games at Borgleden
Leave No Trace - Take Care of Nature
The pilgrimage town of Trondheim
Your first pilgrimage? This is what you need to know.
New book about kystpilegrimsleia!
Tankeplass - art along the pilgrim trail
The Viking King and Saint Olav
Nidaros Cathedral - The pilgrim destination
Last stop before the Dovre Mountain
Culinary experiences at Sygard Grytting
Friends on a pilgrimage
The St. Olav Ways to Trondheim
How to start your pilgrimage in Oslo
The joy of long-distance walking
25 items to bring on your pilgrimage if you plan to sleep indoors
35 items to bring on your pilgraimage if you plan to sleep in a tent
Joly, Dave and Dave - adventures on a pilgrimage through Norway
Luggage Transport